Charlotte and Kian’s story – Supporting GOSH

Participant Stories

Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) are a specialist health service for children. Every day brings new challenges at GOSH. Every day, around 600 seriously ill…

Introducing Dulux Race to the King

Race News

  We are VERY excited to announce that Race to the King has just got a lot more colourful and we will also be expecting…

It was great to meet you

Pop-up Events

Whether we chatted to you in the National Exhibition Centre, or you joined us for the Threshold Sports NRS run club, thank you for spending…

What is Endure24?

Race News

“First timer… are there actually people that haven’t done it yet?”    Endure24 is the newest addition to Threshold Sports’ event family, and we couldn’t…

Race to the King: New route launch

Race News

  My first attempt at an ultra-distance was a trial of the route of Race to the Stones back in 2012. That recce culminated with…

Q&A with Kenwynne Barber

Participant Stories

“I now had the running bug.”   In need of some running motivation to get your 2022 Trail Series training underway? This short Q&A with…

Race to the King – New Finish for 2022

Race News

Race to the King 2022 – Update   Unfortunately, we have to deliver the news that we will no longer be able to host the finish at Winchester…

Prepare for the worst but hope for the best


Joining us at HEINEKEN Race to the Castle this weekend? Ensure you are well prepared for the weather that’s forecasted.   Prepare for all weathers…

The 5 W’s for Wet Weather


Before you head into any event with wet weather forecast it’s important to make sure you’ve got the right kit. Check out our top tips…

Threshold Sports announces collaboration with Black Trail Runners

Pop-up Events

Trail Running has a problem with diversity and we want to be a part of the solution.  Today, Threshold Sports is announcing a collaboration with Black Trail Runners,…

Amputee takes on Race to the King and learns to run

Participant Stories

“I chose to compete in Race to the King because someone told me it couldn’t be done” Bryan Leaver has challenged himself to Race to…

Tips to Kick Start Your Winter Training


As the winter weather starts to close in, finding the motivation to get your training started can be tough. To help you get moving this winter…

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